Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yo peco, tu pecas, el peca...Tamo to' jodio!

I don't even have time to be here writing but then again, I have been rushed to deploy my feelings to this post as my all time therapy. Pero Dio' Mio! En que maldita cultura vivimos!!!
Ya me tienen hasta ecribiendo blogs en espanglish. : s

The capital sins as you may know are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. But jeez! Does people really notice when they are wrapped around them. Well, I kind of have my own interpretation of them:

LUST is an important sin that is supposed to be enjoyed instead of condemned, but with whom in hell are we going to get sinful with?(We are all asking ourselves the same question, so don't give me that face as if you're getting some, and if you are I bet it's not from a source of your preference). I'm open to suggestions, 'cause I have come to notice my judgement on people is very poor.

I call GLUTTONY to that necesity to feed yourself off others! as a leach!. Gosh!, mix it with greed and you are giving my worst nightmare. Food? U think this sin is about food? No, eating is healthy, conceptually speaking, is sucking the life out of others by consuming their goods which I find extremely repulsive.

Some of "us" don't even notice when we do it. But I consider gluttony "to feed my needs out of other people's supply"; worst kind of gluttony ever is to solve my life with other people's ambition. Well, fuck you! I'm not been GREEDY! But if somebody takes the time to figure a solution to their needs, why do u suck...up to them? Stop been such a SLOTH, cause for that sin you CAN get punished, remember "Karma is a Bitch". So if you sit down doing nothing, karma will give you...nothing. Go get yourself a better job dude!Make something out of your life, so you won't continue to feel ENVY on those who do work!.

And hey like I said, I'm not been greedy, it's call been protective of my own interests. However it does make me develop a WRATH that won't go away in a while until some people figure out they need to develop some fucking PRIDE...for their own sakes.


SYNful Ol'me.

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